Year: 1918
Runtime: 3 mins
Description: I. 'NO BREAK THROUGH. Britain's sons win greatest battle of history.' Column of 18-pounder limbers move down road away from camera. 9.2-inch howitzer elevated and fired, cut with brickwork collapsing in a cloud of smoke and dust. Wreckage and an overturned wagon alongside a corduroy road running through muddy, shell-pocked ground - Passchendaele. HA.MS of soldiers eating in a trench - one cuts a slice of bread from a loaf while another offers his slice up to a mate to take a bite.II. 'PARIS RAIDERS BROUGHT DOWN. French air warriors who won great distinction in recent battle.' MS of French ace Michel Coiffard standing by his Spad - he smiles to the camera. Similar shot of second unidentified pilot. An American soldier guards the wreckage of a AEG G.IV (?).III. 'TRACTOR'S TERRIFIC TEST. Before being shipped to the Western Front, American tractors are tried out in Salt Marshes which are as hard to cross as shell-broken ground.' Caterpillar tractors tow over rough ground.IV. 'NOT SUPERMEN. The five hundred odd prisoners taken by the French near Moncel were of poor physique and wretched appearance.' MS of French soldiers in greatcoats lining either side of the main street of a village with their commanding officer - they watch as a column of German prisoners marches through under cavalry escort.V. 'IN RUINED ARRAS. Pipers of the Gordon Highlanders play to the famous Regiment massed on the steps of the Cathedral.' Pipe band performs for troops gathered on grassy bank rather than steps. Pan up to show flying buttresses of Cathedral building in background.
I. Stock battle footage.II. French air aces.III. US tractors undergo tests before shipment to France.IV. French troops escort German POWs.V. Pipers of Gordon Highlanders perform in Arras.
Keywords: EFG1914 / World War I / Coiffard, Michel / British Army / French Army, Air Corps / French Army / British Army, Gordon Highlanders, pipe band / combat, British / operations, British military - movement: road / weapons, British - gun: 9.2-inch howitzer / society, British military - sustenance / aircraft, German - combat: Gotha & [wrecked] / transport, United States military - prime-mover: caterpillar tractor / prisoners of war, German - movement / recreation, British military - music: band / West Flanders, Belgium / Paris, Département de Ville de Paris, France / Moncel, France / Arras Cathedral, Arras, Pas-de-Calais, France
Provider: Imperial War Museums
Rights: In Copyright / Imperial War Museums
Production company: Topical Film Company
Colour: Black & White
Sound: Without sound
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